Cedar Cliff United Methodist Church map
4683 Cedar Cliff Rd, Graham,NC 27253 
Pastor: Reverend Jimmy Wooten Phone: 336-376-3829 (parsonage) Phone: 336-212-1488 (cell)
Layleaders: Ann Creech & Phil Isaacs
Live Sunday services beginning at 10:55 at Cedar Cliff UMC
If you are not able to attend services at Cedar Cliff you can still follow us on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/cedarcliffumcgraham/
each Sunday morning around 11:00 am. Please join us as we share a time of Worship each week. Also you can follow devotions every Monday – Friday on Facebook Live at your convenience.
Sunday School is being held each Sunday morning beginning at 9:45. We currently have one children’s class and 1 adult class going. If wish to attend and need a different class held, please get in touch with us at cedarcliffumc@gmail.com and we will make arrangements for someone to lead another class.
Praise be to God that we can still meet together and share his love in this new world that we are living in.
Sunday Programs:
Sunday School: 9:45am
Worship: 10:55am
United Women in Faith (UWF)
Meets 2nd Wednesday at 3:00 in Fellowship hall Jan, March, May, July, Sept, and Nov. They try to have special outreach or mission activities on the other months of the year. You do not have to be a member of Cedar Cliff or even a United Methodist to attend their meetings.
Cedar Cliff Men: 1st Sunday at 8:30 am in Fellowship hall for breakfast. Come enjoy biscuits and good fellowship with other Christian Men. They also meet at 7:30 am on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Hursey’s BBQ in Graham at. You do not have to be a member of Cedar Cliff to attend either men’s breakfast.
contact us at: cedarcliffumc@gmail.com