Becoming a Member

Joining Cedar Cliff 

Are you interested in becoming a member of Cedar Cliff United Methodist Church?  We would be happy to welcome you into full participation with this congregation!  Membership takes place in a number of ways, depending on a prospective member’s current church relationships:

  • Those who are currently members of another United Methodist Church are transferred and welcomed into the congregation at Cedar Cliff UMC.  They take a vow to support this particular congregation with their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
  • Those who are members of another Christian denomination are asked to pledge their loyalty to The United Methodist Church and to this particular congregation, doing all in their power to strengthen its ministries and support it with prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
  •   Persons who are not current members of a Christian church are asked to make a profession of faith prior to joining The United Methodist Church and the particular congregation as described above.  Baptism into Christ’s Church (universal) will be a part of this service if the candidate has not been baptized previously. They are asked to support this congregation with their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.


The United Methodist Church is open to all persons who confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  We would encourage anyone who is interested in membership to visit our congregation and speak to our pastor.

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